Registration for the 2021 AGM is Now Closed
Annual General Meeting
South Surrey-White Rock
Electoral District Association
November 9, 2021 - 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
As authorized by National Council and the South Surrey-White Rock Electoral District Association a virtual Annual General Meeting will be held by an online "Zoom" conference meeting and by teleconference starting at 7:00 pm on Tuesday November 9, 2021.
This year's Annual General Meeting is being held in this manner due to the current Covid-19 public health orders and directives of the National Council. The Electoral District Association Constitution permits the holding of our AGM in this manner. The Constitution may be found by clicking on CONSTITUTION.
Members in good standing of the South Surrey-White Rock Conservative Party of Canada Electoral District Association must register by no later than Monday November 1, 2021 either online through our website or by sending their name, address, telephone number, and email address to our mailbox at 800 - 15355 24th Ave., P.O. Box 371, Surrey B.C. V4A.
All registrants eligible to attend the AGM will then later receive the information about how to attend the AGM (i.e. both the Zoom meeting internet login details and the phone-in conference call details) at least 24 hours prior to the time and date for the AGM.
Click here to view the 2021 EDA AGM Agenda
- Click here to view the EDA Code of Conduct
- Click here to view the EDA Constitution
- Click here to view the Minutes of the 2020 AGM
- Click here to view the EDA Nomination Committee Report
Current members in good standing of the South Surrey-White Rock Conservative Party of Canada Electoral District Association who have registered will be then eligible to attend the AGM remotely by internet or by telephone, are eligible to vote, and to nominate other members to the EDA Board of Directors. The director nomination form is available at the link above. Completed nomination forms should be emailed to our President Paul Schwartz at [email protected] by no later than 5:00 p.m. on Sunday November 7, 2021 at which time the nomination period ends. Nominations from the floor are not allowed at a virtual annual general meeting. Directors are expected to volunteer their time throughout the year, do volunteer work during an election campaign and to donate if they are able to our Electoral District Association.
Questions about or concerns with any of the included reports should be sent to us at: [email protected]