Conservative Party of Canada Leadership Election
Information for South Surrey - White Rock Conservative Party Members
March 15 2022
The leadership election campaign is underway and will run until the scheduled September 10 election of a new party leader. Prospective candidates have until April 19 to be qualified and to run for the position of party leader. While the Electoral District Association is neutral during this process we shall be providing information about the process and deadlines as well as aiming to providing notice about qualified candidate campaign visits to our riding (whether in person or online).
A national leadership election organizing committee (“LEOC”) is responsible for setting the rules and administering the process. At this point in time they have announced that the voting will again be done by paper ballots directly. As in the past the ballots will be preferential ballots allowing you to rank the candidates in order of your preference. Whether the voting will only be by mailed-in ballots as in the past or whether the LEOC will provide for submitting your ballot at the local EDA level remains to be seen. Our expectation is that the deadline for your completed ballot to be submitted to the Conservative Party will be a day in September before or on the September 10 election date.
Whatever method(s) of voting is/are ultimately authorized by the LEOC for this election, please ensure that the Conservative Party has your current address, email and cell phone number to be sure that you get your ballot. You must be a member of the Conservative Party by June 3 in order to be eligible vote in the leadership election. You can check your membership status online at this site:
For our part your EDA is currently planning to assist members by arranging a drop off point in South Surrey – White Rock at which you could drop off your completed ballot in its envelope to have us courier it to Ottawa with other completed ballots. That would likely be in August and/or very early September depending on the voting cut off date still to be announced. We also are planning to have an in person gathering here in our community on Saturday September 10, 2022 for you to view and discuss the leadership election results with your fellow Conservatives.